You can see Quinn in PCPA's current production of The Wizard of Oz. Buy tickets here.
[UPDATE: The following questions were submitted by Alex for your comment/our discussion-- please think on 'em and comment to this post. :)]
- What was your first impression as you walked through the door and saw Quinn?
- Were you excited about having him in class?
- Did your thoughts about him change throughout his conversation with us?
- What was one main thing that you got out of having Quinn with us?
- Did he make you think differently about Hamlet or Shakespeare’s work in general?
- What things did you agree with?
- Was there things that you didn't agree with or that you had a different opinion on?
- Were there any ways that Quinn inspired you?
- Can you relate to Hamlet more now then you could before Quinn came?
- If you could say one thing to Quinn what would it be?
- Do you have any new thoughts on Ophelia’s role in Hamlet?
- Is there a new way you are going to go about memorizing things?
- What is your definition of a good piece of literature?
- Has Quinn made you excited about Hamlet or had you always had that spark of loving Hamlet and now it's more of a fire than a spark?